Films from the 1930s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 38 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
Ivashko and Baba Yaga
Ивашко и Баба-Яга
Ivashko i Baba-Yaga
1938 – 00:10:54 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Brumberg Valentina, Brumberg Zinaida
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel)
9.49 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Alevtina₂, Niffiwan₂), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Alevtina, Eus₂), Vietnamese (unknown⭳ – by Cynir)
Ivashko was a small fisherman. Once, Baba Yaga noticed him and decided to kidnap him. She forged a thin voice at the smith's and called Ivashko like his mother usually called him...2024-07-052021-02-21 -
Limpopo ❤
1939 – 00:12:31 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Amalrik Leonid, Polkovnikov Vladimir
Comedy, Literature (Rus./East Slavic) – drawn (cel)
9.27 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Dorian Rottenberg, Niffiwan, Жукороп)
Adaptation of the well-known children's poem by Korney Chukosvkiy about a kind doctor who cures animals.2021-12-042021-12-04