Films from the 1940s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 48 in database (0 films still need English subtitles).
How Vasya Tyorkin Went To Be Enlisted
Как Вася Тёркин призываться шёл
Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya shyol
1941 – 00:03:57 – Russian – Lenfilm – Shmidt Pavel, Syumkin Vitaliy
Literature (Rus./East Slavic), War & battles – drawn (cel)
5.52 ws – Subtitles: English (ok⭳ – by Eus, Niffiwan), Russian (good⭳ – by Niffiwan)
The adventures of Vasya Tyorkin, a popular "everyman" soldier created by Aleksandr Tvardovskiy whose adventures were serialized in a Leningrad newspaper through WW2.2021-02-182021-02-18 -
The Fir Tree (A New Year Tale)
Ёлка (новогодняя сказка)
Yolka (novogodnyaya skazka)
1942 – 00:09:09 – Russian – Soyuzmultfilm – Nosov Pyotr, Tsehanovskiy Mihail
Christmas/New Year, Comedy, Musical/Opera – drawn (cel)
4.2 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, Lemicnor₂), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Lemicnor, Niffiwan)
Grandpa Frost (like Santa Claus, but with power over winter storms) celebrates the New Year in the woods with other forest critters, but the wolves try to steal the presents for themselves and eat his reindeer.2023-12-152023-12-19