With the Night Came a Little Rain (Со вечора дождик, 2009) by Valentin Olshvang

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With the Night Came a Little Rain
Rain in the Evening
Spatter of Rain from the Evening On
From the Evening Rain
Со вечора дождик
So vechora dozhdik (ru)
La última lluvia de la noche (es)

Year 2009
Director(s) Olshvang Valentin
Studio(s) A-Film
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
NSFW / 18+
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:15:01
Wordiness 3.86
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
333 visitors

So vechora dozhdik.2009.en.1.25fps.1671855350.srt
Date: December 24 2022 04:15:50
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 95 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Chapaev, Eus, Niffiwan

So vechora dozhdik.2009.es.1.25fps.1351095380.srt
Date: October 24 2012 16:16:20
Language: Spanish
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Yefren

So vechora dozhdik.2009.ru.1.25fps.1663536985.srt
Date: September 18 2022 21:36:25
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan, Chapaev, Eus

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An old man accidentally fishes a mermaid (rusalka) out of the river. Based on the story by A.N. Tolstoy.

The second of the videos above cannot be watched outside of Youtube, so the subtitles would need to be attached to the video separately.

The song at 2:45 in the film references Kostroma, the pagan Slavic fertility goddess. The song was sung as part of an autumn seasonal ritual.

The literary source material can be read here. It has recently been republished in Russian in an award-winning book with illustrations by Yana Sedova (first page).

2010 Prize for the best animated short film of the Moscow Premiere Film Festival.
2010 Special Jury prize of the XVIII Russian Film Festival in Vyborg "Window to Europe".
2010 Prize for directing, Suzdal.
2010 Grand Prix of the 2010 International Film Festival "Animaevka" Mogilev, Belarus.
2010 Best Animation Film IFF "Open Cinema" 2010 St.Petersburg.
2010 Critics Prize, Great Animation Film Festival, Moscow.
2010 White Elephant Critics Award, Moscow.
2010 Prize for "The Best Animated Film" of the IV All-Russian festival of TV programs and films "TeleProFi", Saratov.
2010 Diploma "For the Best Film Parable" IFF "Zolotoy Vityaz".
2011 Nomination for the "Nika" award.
2011 Diploma "For the graceful translation on the screen of the complex world of the legend" ХVI Russian Festival "Literature and Cinema" Gatchina 2011.



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