Frost Ivanovich (Мороз Иванович, 1981) by Ivan Aksenchuk

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Frost Ivanovich
Мороз Иванович
Moroz Ivanovich (ru)
Mráz Ivanovič (cs)
Külmataat Ivanovitđ (et)
Mráz Ivanovič (sk)

Year 1981
Director(s) Aksenchuk Ivan
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Christmas/New Year
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:10:04
Wordiness 11.08 profile Ru, En
412 visitors

Date: June 20 2021 00:37:46
Language: Czech
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): wauhelly

Date: December 15 2023 03:18:56
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Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan, Chapaev

Date: December 07 2019 18:47:26
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Creator(s): Pastella

Date: May 22 2012 04:55:08
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Date: February 09 2021 07:54:58
Language: Slovak
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Creator(s): M. M.

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Two sisters live with their grandma - one hard-working, one lazy. When their bucket falls down the well, they climb down and meet Grandpa Frost (Santa Claus) himself. Based on Prince Odoyevskiy's 1841 eponymous story.

The first video above is in the theatrical frame rate of 24fps, and the second is in the TV frame rate of 25fps. The second one probably has the more accurate colours, though.




This same story was earlier adapted in 1956 as "The Wondrous Well" by Vladimir Degtyaryov. Personally, I like that version better. It is more true to the original story and feels more magical (though less brightly-coloured). Also, the lazy sister in it is more genuinely lazy and deserving of her punishment than in this one - in this version, she does actually try to do the work, it's just that she never learned how and so messes it up.

The characterization of Grandpa Frost in this version seems inspired by the narrator/grandpa of Leonid Nosyrev's films (many of which aren't on the site yet, unfortunately).


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