The Goat Musician (Козёл-музыкант, 1954) by Boris Dyozhkin

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The Goat Musician
Goat the Musician
Kozyol-muzykant (ru)
Sokust muusik (et)

Year 1954
Director(s) Dyozhkin Boris
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:09:59
Wordiness 5.67 profile Ru, En
148 visitors

Date: March 15 2024 21:32:47
Language: English
Quality: ok
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Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan, Vissashpa
Date: September 15 2020 18:50:00
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Pastella
Date: March 15 2024 21:25:24
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Vissashpa, Eus, Niffiwan

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A goat-composer suffering writer's block follows advice to use a melody given to him. He doesn't realise that it's a well known children's song about a little grey goat allowed to walk in the woods and then eaten by wolves...

A decent English translation of the original song can be found here on LyricsTranslate (although the third verse there is one of many possible humorous variations). The melody has some similarities with a number of related folk tunes from other countries, including Estonian 17th century bagpipe tunes, the Viennese song "O du lieber Augustin", and the American "Hail to the Bus Driver".




The funny thing is that this is just the basis for so much classical music! Honestly, I find the composition in this cartoon impressive. Sure, it's funny - and perhaps that was meant to be the main mark against it. But take it far enough, and it can transcend the ridiculousness and become moving.

And even if it doesn't, it can still be lots of fun. Shostakovich did it in his wonderful operetta "Moscow, Cheryomushki".

A later animated film with the same musical idea was Garri Bardin's "Bang! Bang! Oh-oh-oh!" (1980).


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