I Am Armenian Too (Ես էլ եմ հայ, 2000) by Robert Saakyants

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I Am Armenian Too
Ես էլ եմ հայ
Yes el yem Hay (hy)
Я тоже армянин (ru)

Year 2000
Director(s) Saakyants Robert
Studio(s) Z.Studio
Language(s) Armenian
Genre(s) Comedy
War & battles
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:12:00
Wordiness 9.45
416 visitors

Yes el yem Hay.2000.en.1.25fps.1713105121.srt
Date: April 14 2024 14:32:01
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 609 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan, parizani

Yes el yem Hay.2000.ru.1.25fps.1713317359.srt
Date: April 17 2024 01:29:19
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan, parizani

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A regular Armenian gets on a train that represents his country's journey into independence. It starts well, but things start going more and more wrong...

This film is a sort of update to the director's "Elections" (1994). It would be the last political film he ever made, and seems to have angered the people in power the most. According to user Sove Tashen at RuTracker, "It was shown on television only once and is still a rarity due to the fact that it was banned in Armenia". However, it was later released on a rare DVD of Robert Saakyants' post-1991 films in the USA, and the studio he founded later also released it on YouTube.

Here's a summary about the film's many references (thanks to Sove Tashen):

This cartoon is a mirror of the modern history of Armenia. The characters in the motor car are the political elite of Armenia of the last 20 years; the man is a simple representative of the people.

The sign at 0:14 says, "Nairit is genocide." Nairit was the largest synthetic rubber production plant on a global scale, responsible for 40% of Armenia's economy at the time of independence. It was closed in the early 90s after pressure from protesters due to the fact that, allegedly due to its waste, the birth rate in some near-Nairit districts of Yerevan sharply dropped. As a result, it was privatized and re-opened, but had various scandals and was finally declared bankrupt in 2017.

The man in the cap (whose cap keeps getting blown off by the wind) is Levon Ter-Petrosyan (0:50 first appearance), the first president of Armenia from 1991 until his resignation in 1998.

The exploding pipes (1:21) are an allusion to the conspiracy that the constant gas pipeline explosions of the early 1990s were not accidental. The only source of electricity in Armenia in the early 90s (the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant was restarted in 1996 - the only nuclear power plant in the world that was ever restarted, as it had been closed after the earthquake in 1988).

The bearded man behind the wall (1:30) is a gangster capitalist, and a coward who did not fight but became a general.

The song from 2:18 onwards is Հա՞յ ես դու - Hye Es Du, by Aram Asatryan.

The man with glasses jumping out of a train is Vazgen Manukyan (2:42, 1st appeared 2:31), the popular first prime minister of Armenia who was Defense Minister when the first Nagorno-Karabakh War against Azerbaijan was won.

The machine-gun clock (4:58) is a reference to footage of the murder of Vazgen Sargsyan (former Defense Minister, hero of the first Nagorno-Karabakh War and Prime Minister from June 1999 until his assassination along with many of his political allies in October).

The man in a T-shirt with a basketball is Robert Kocharyan (6:51), prime minister and president of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the early 1990s (this land was later lost to Azerbaijan in the 2020 and 2023 wars) and then president of Armenia between 1998 and 2008.

The man with pimples on his face is Speaker of Parliament Babken Ararktsyan (7:07).

The man who escaped through the door "to Paris" is the Minister of External Affairs. Del. Vano Siradeghyan (8:14)

The man-bird is Prosecutor General of Armenia in the 90s Gagik Dzhangiryan (8:42).

The song from the radio near the end (9:45) is Robert Amirkhanyan "Eraz im, erkir..." ("My dream, my native country") (YouTube: 1SQGNauPZAo) - Երազի իմ երկիր հայրենի", the official Armenian Army anthem.

The first video link above has (very incomplete) Russian hardsubs but a slightly nicer image. The second one (from the studio's channel) has no hardsubs, but a more blurry, interlaced image. Both of them come from the same source - the DVD release.



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