Bird Market
Птичий рынок
Ptichiy rynok (ru)
459 visitors
Птичий рынок
Ptichiy rynok (ru)
Year | 1974 |
Director(s) | Novogrudskaya Marianna |
Studio(s) | Ekran |
Language(s) | Russian |
Genre(s) | Comedy Musical/Opera |
Animation Type(s) | Cutout |
Length | 00:05:32 |
Wordiness | 10.95 | profile | Ru, En |
⭳ Ptichiy
Date: August 01 2019 16:27:53
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 204 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Alevtina, Eus
⭳ Ptichiy
Date: May 28 2016 16:17:56
Language: Russian
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Alevtina
⭳ Ptichiy
Date: August 01 2019 16:27:53
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 204 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Alevtina, Eus
⭳ Ptichiy
Date: May 28 2016 16:17:56
Language: Russian
Quality: good
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Creator(s): Alevtina
A father and his children go to the bird market to buy a goldfinch, but end up getting a lot more than they bargained for.
Art direction by the wonderful Galina Beda.
Bird Market is 5:32 long, but it was originally released with another 3-minute cartoon that followed it, Fisherman (you can see it in the final video above). That one is not subtitled.
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