A Two Again (Опять двойка, 1957) by Yevgeniy Raykovskiy and Boris Stepantsev

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A Two Again
A Bad Mark Again
Опять двойка
Opyat dvoyka (ru)
Jälle kaks (et)

Year 1957
Director(s) Raykovskiy Yevgeniy
Stepantsev Boris
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Domestic life
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:20:09
Wordiness 10.03
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
128 visitors

Opyat dvoyka.1957.en.1.25fps.1738963151.srt
Date: February 07 2025 21:19:11
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 178 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan, Lemicnor

Opyat dvoyka.1957.et.1.25fps.1739100069.srt
Date: February 09 2025 11:21:09
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 72 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

Opyat dvoyka.1957.ru.1.25fps.1738959750.srt
Date: February 07 2025 20:22:30
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Lemicnor, Niffiwan

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A boy from a painting doesn't believe that he deserves his bad school mark in Geography, and tries to prove otherwise to reporter Murzilka.

The first cartoon in the series "The Adventures of Murzilka". Murzilka is a mini reporter of the eponymous popular Soviet children's magazine.

Some boys send an urgent telegraph to Murzilka, urging him to find out why the boy from Reshetnikov's well-known painting "A Two Again" was given a bad mark. When Murzilka arrives at the art gallery and enters the painting, he finds that the boy believes that the bad mark in geography was given to him unfairly. Murzilka tests his geographical knowledge. Having gone through a number of adventures, the pupil promises to turn over a new leaf.

The cartoon has cameo appearances by a number of Russian paintings that would have been widely recognized by its audience at the time. These include:

05:11 - "Bogatyrs", 1898, Vasnetsov
05:52 - "Hunters at Rest", 1871, Perov
06:03 - "Alyonushka", 1881, Vasnetsov
06:26 - "Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Grey Wolf", 1889, Vasnetsov
07:10 - "A Two Again", Reshetnikov, 1952
08:30 - ???

In Russia the marks run from 1 to 5; 1 is awful - 5 is excellent. A "2" is like a "D" in an English school system.




That's right ! I have been looking forward to this film for so long.


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