Song about Childhood (Песня о детстве, 2015) by Pavel Yegorov

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Song about Childhood
Песня о детстве
Pesnya o detstvye (ru)

Year 2015
Director(s) Yegorov Pavel
Studio(s) (no studio)
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Domestic life
Animation Type(s)  Digital 2D
Length 00:03:05
Wordiness 15.51
28 visitors

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Date: March 09 2025 06:32:21
Language: English
Quality: ok
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Creator(s): Niffiwan

Pesnya o
Date: March 09 2025 05:58:31
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Niffiwan

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Teenagers in the Russian 1990s get together around a bonfire by the river. Song and drawings by Igor Rasteryayev.

The Young Pioneers movement, mentioned at 1:17, existed between 1922-1991 (the end of the USSR) and was similar to the Boy Scouts of America. After 1991, it was shuttered and its many camps abandoned or privatized.




To get a sense of people's reactions to this music video, I recommend this forum thread. People generally say that Rasteryayev captures the spirit of those years very well, though some had a guitar instead of an accordion, or bicycles instead of motorcycles, or had to walk, or had no river. Someone points out that this song is really about teenage years rather than "childhood".

It was a distinguishing trait of Russians that they preferred to gather in the woods rather than in bars, as was more common in the West.

In a 2018 interview, Rasteryayev writes that he decided to use animation, despite its difficulty, because he saw no other choice:
"Nowadays you can't make a video about that time. That era is gone; it seems to be nearby, but its attributes are gone. For example, in Rakovka there is no longer a single "Minsk" or "Voskhod" motorcycle, which they used to race on. [...] That is, it is impossible to recreate this world that seemed to exist only yesterday."

I think this is the best of Rasteryayev's three (or so) animated music videos because it's the most "true to life", and based on his actual personal experience.


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