Fear Sees Danger Everywhere (У страха глаза велики, 1946) by Olga Hodatayeva

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Fear Sees Danger Everywhere
У страха глаза велики
U straha glaza veliki (ru)
Hirmul on suured silmad (et)

Year 1946
Director(s) Hodatayeva Olga
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:10:20
Wordiness 6.42
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
397 visitors

U straha glaza veliki.1946.en.1..1584449375.srt
Date: March 17 2020 12:49:35
Language: English
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Eus, Chapaev

U straha glaza veliki.1946.et.1..1694972848.srt
Date: September 17 2023 17:47:28
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 95 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pastella

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About a fox who outwits the wolf and the bear, presenting them a cat as their new ruler and the strongest animal.

There are scans of this film from different sources (e.g. here and here), but none of them are especially good - the film has not been restored.



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