Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea (Полифем, Акид и Галатея, 1996) by Anatoliy Petrov

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Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea
Полифем, Акид и Галатея
Polifem, Akid i Galateya (ru)
Polifemo, Acis y Galatea (es)

Year 1996
Director(s) Petrov Anatoliy
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR)
NSFW / 18+
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:16:40
Wordiness 9.03
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
524 visitors

Polifem, Akid i Galateya.1996.en.1..1613191054.srt
Date: February 13 2021 04:37:34
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Eus, Chapaev, Niffiwan

Polifem, Akid i Galateya.1996.es.1..1423306666.srt
Date: February 07 2015 10:57:46
Language: Spanish
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): miyamotos

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This film is part of the Greek myths (Anatoliy Petrov) series.


Through the arrow of Eros, Polyphemus the Cyclops falls in love with Galatea the sea-nymph, but she desires the shepherd Acis, and gets Afrodite & Eros to shoot him with an arrow... but there is also this foolish love of the Cyclops for her. It all doesn't end well for Acis.

The last of the 4-animation series of Anatoliy Petrov. The uniqueness of these 4 Eros animation is the technique used to realise a 3D effect with 2D means. It needed double the amount of drawings usually needed for an animation. Only Petrov's accuracy and ability to draw faster than any other animator at Soyuzmultfilm made it realizable.



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