How Vasya Tyorkin Went To Be Enlisted
Как Вася Тёркин призываться шёл
Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya shyol (ru)
477 visitors
Как Вася Тёркин призываться шёл
Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya shyol (ru)
Year | 1941 |
Director(s) | Shmidt Pavel Syumkin Vitaliy |
Studio(s) | Lenfilm |
Language(s) | Russian |
Genre(s) | Literature (Rus./East Slavic) War & battles |
Animation Type(s) | Drawn (cel) |
Length | 00:03:57 |
Wordiness | 5.52 | profile | Ru, En |
⭳ Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya
Date: February 18 2021 12:59:41
Language: English
Quality: ok
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Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan
⭳ Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya
Date: February 18 2021 12:58:28
Language: Russian
Quality: good
Upload notes: 185 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan
⭳ Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya
Date: February 18 2021 12:59:41
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 55 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan
⭳ Kak Vasya Tyorkin prizyvatsya
Date: February 18 2021 12:58:28
Language: Russian
Quality: good
Upload notes: 185 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan
The adventures of Vasya Tyorkin, a popular "everyman" soldier created by Aleksandr Tvardovskiy whose adventures were serialized in a Leningrad newspaper through WW2.
He first popped up in the Winter War of 1939, which began three months after the start of World War 2. The USSR had demanded a territorial exchange with Finland to create a buffer zone around the city of Leningrad, and attacked when Finland refused, attempting to either re-conquer Finland (which had been part of the Russian Empire 22 years earlier), or at least the part of Finland around Leningrad. By the middle of 1941 Tvardovskiy was working on a collection of poems about the struggle of Vasya Tyorkin and the White Finns.
However, when Nazi Germany attacked the USSR and besieged Leningrad, Vasya Tyorkin's adventures became focused on the Germans instead. Many fighting troops thought the tales in the newspaper had actually happened in their company, or in a fellow company. You might notice that the depiction of the Germans is less negative and more comic than it would become later in the war or in the 50s and 60s, as the seriousness of the war was not yet evident.
The lyrics to the song were published in a contemporary newspaper, here (July 17, 1941. Вечерняя Москва (№167), p.3). The article mentions that there was a plan for a sequel. One of the directors of this film, Pavel Syumkin, died later that same year during the Siege of Leningrad, while the other director, Pavel Shmidt, took part in the fighting in 1942, then was evacuated to Tashkent where he switched to making documentary films. In 1944 he moved back to Leningrad and continued making popular-scientific documentaries at Lennauchfilm until 1983.
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