Rondo Capriccioso
Рондо каприччиозо
Rondo capriccioso (it)
Рондо капричиозо (bg)
Rondo capriccioso (et)
Rondo Capriccioso (vi)
403 visitors
Рондо каприччиозо
Rondo capriccioso (it)
Рондо капричиозо (bg)
Rondo capriccioso (et)
Rondo Capriccioso (vi)
Year | 2014 |
Director(s) | Volchek Igor |
Studio(s) | Belarusfilm |
Language(s) | (wordless) |
Genre(s) | Domestic life Misc. |
Animation Type(s) | Digital 2D |
Length | 00:13:00 | profile | Ru, En |
(No subtitles available)
He lives in the rural outback, an eccentric who has a cherished dream - to make wings and fly up like the legendary Icarus.
In a stream of days filled with worries about a large family, he carves out a free minute and makes wings so that one day he can spread them and soar over the mortal earth... and fall, embodying the ancient myth and plot of the famous painting by Bruegel "The Fall of Icarus".
The film participated in the competitive program of the Suzdal-2015 festival.
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