Laughter and Grief by the White Sea (Смех и горе у Бела Моря, 1987) by Leonid Nosyrev

Current Page || History

(click the "Compare" button to compare selected revisions)
EditID username editTime Details Comments
5519 Admin 2022-11-24 22:16:46
Subtitle (id:21) (en)↺  contents+  upload notes
correcting 2 lines in the subtitles at 48:58
5515 Admin 2022-11-24 20:47:08
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link
3288 Admin 2022-01-20 16:30:43
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link
1314 Admin 2021-04-18 01:18:21
↺ Video link↺  Aspect ratio↺ Description
correcting aspect ratio of 2nd vid a bit
902 Admin 2021-03-03 00:35:49
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link
868 Admin 2021-02-27 20:55:06
+ Subtitle (id:239) (es)↺ Video link+  Other subtitle(s)↺ Video link+  Other subtitle(s)+ 1 Other language name
adding spanish subtitles
397 Admin 2021-01-19 17:27:54
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link↺ Description
replacing videolink
289 Admin 2021-01-08 00:01:31
− 1 Video link+ 1 Video link
197 Admin 2020-12-28 10:39:57
+ 1 Genre
139 Admin 2020-12-23 13:44:56
Subtitle (id:21) (en)−  upload notes
138 Admin 2020-12-23 13:44:09
Subtitle (id:21) (en)↺  contents+  upload notes
101 Admin 2020-12-21 01:18:04
↺ Video link↺  Default subtitle↺   Offset
100 Admin 2020-12-20 22:01:22
↺ Video link↺  Default subtitle↺   Offset↺ Description
99 Admin 2020-12-20 21:54:09
+ 1 Video link
98 Admin 2020-12-20 21:48:46
+ Subtitle (id:21) (en)+ 1 Video link+ Default English Name+ 1 Other English name+ 1 Original language name+ 1 Transliteration+ 1 Director+ 1 Studio+ Year created+ Film length+ ID+ 3 Animation techniques+ 4 Genres+ 1 Language+ Description+ Favourite