Planet 888 (Մոլորակ 888, 1985) by Vladimir Mailyan

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Planet 888
Մոլորակ 888
Планета 888
Planeta 888 (ru)
Планета 888 (bg)
Planet 888 (de)
Planeet 888 (et)
Hành tinh 888 (vi)

Year 1985
Director(s) Mailyan Vladimir
Studio(s) Armenfilm
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Sci-fi & space
War & battles
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:09:19
600 visitors

(No subtitles available)

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Two spacemen land on a barren planet, and try to discover its history and improve its lot.

The only available video source used to be very bad, but the film was finally scanned in good quality from 35mm film by the RuTracker animation scanning project in Feb 2023.



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