Spring Visitors (Весенние гости, 1949) by Vladimir Mudzhiri

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Spring Visitors
Весенние гости
Vesenniye gosti (ru)

Year 1949
Director(s) Mudzhiri Vladimir
Studio(s) Tbilissi Film Studio
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:11:21
Wordiness 5.19
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
313 visitors

Vesenniye gosti.1949.en.1.25fps.1631171047.srt
Date: September 09 2021 07:04:07
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 69 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Chapaev, Niffiwan

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A duck family flies away from their home when humans arrive and decide to build a city there.

A little animation made by the Georgian Tblissi Film Studio, the only animation studio besides Soyuzmultfilm where all other animation makers were integrated into, that stayed open in the 1950s. The style of the animation is clearly influenced by Disney, something that became taboo around 1948 at Soyuzmultfilm, but not yet in Georgia, although that wouldn't take long. Apart from the slapstick, a more or less secondary underlying story theme of the animation is how man changed the countryside's natural surrounding into a better place to live in.
A typical Stalinistic message of optimism and industrial progress as the next step into a better world packed into a cute animal slapstick that almost contradicts it at times.

Another cartoon with a very similar plot outline was made at Moscow's Soyuzmultfilm studio that same year by Viktor Gromov - A Spring Tale (1949). However, it was done in the more politically-current "social realist" visual style.



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