Jafar (Джафара, 1951) by Arkadiy Hintibidze

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Dzhafara (ru)

Year 1951
Director(s) Hintibidze Arkadiy
Studio(s) Tbilissi Film Studio
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Misc.
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:09:58
Wordiness 6.9
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
376 visitors

Date: September 11 2021 07:30:13
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 69 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Lemicnor, Niffiwan

Date: March 04 2017 17:56:00
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Lemicnor

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A young jay named Jafar is mean to other birds and gets ostracized for his behaviour.

Whereas until 1950 the animation of Tbilissi Film Studio was still very Disney-influenced, in the sense that animals would wear clothes and behave very un-animal-like, in 1951 that was over, as Socialist Realism dictated naturalism in depiction and behaviour, including for animal animations.

There is still a human-like educational theme, but the depiction has changed a lot. Compare it to Audacious Mountaineers, of the same director from a year before, and the difference is obvious. Yet the color palette used still has the same soft-toned beauty. From Spring Vistors (1949), to [i]Audacious Mountaineers (1950), to Jafar (1951), the cartoons of Tbilissi Film Studio show a remarkable progress in naturalism. Yet, what is the superior animation? A nice question to ask ourselves.



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