The Chest (Сундук, 1986) by Yulian Kalisher

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The Chest
Sunduk (ru)
Kohver (et)

Year 1986
Director(s) Kalisher Yulian
Studio(s) Ekran
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Stop motion (3D)
Length 00:08:15
Wordiness 13.25 profile Ru, En
305 visitors

Date: September 24 2021 09:12:50
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Date: April 13 2023 14:34:52
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Creator(s): Pastella
Date: September 24 2021 09:10:21
Language: Russian
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A song about the mystery of how Ivan managed to lock himself inside a chest. Written by Yuriy Koval, the writer, screenwriter, poet, artist whose books were translated into almost all European languages as well as Chinese and Japanese.

The animation is directed by Yulian Kalisher. Educated as a theatre puppet director, Yulian Kalisher worked in Tashkent until his wife perished during the big Tashkent earthquake of 1966, after which he came to Moscow. After having worked at the Central State Puppet Theater he started working at Ekran, first as puppet theater film maker, but in 1974 as animation director. All his career he experimented with broadening the tools for puppet-animation. In art-director Lyudmila Tanasenko, with whom he worked from 1979 onward, he found an ideal experimentation partner. Sunduk is their most extreme multi-techniques animation. Some 9 to 14 different stop-motion techniques were used in it.



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