Lift 3 (Лифт 3, 1991) by Igor Kovalyov, Maksim Radayev, Mihail Tumelya and Svyatoslav Ushakov

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Lift 3
Elevator 3
Лифт 3
Lift 3 (ru)
Асансьор 3 (bg)
Der Aufzug 3 (de)
Lift 3 (et)

Year 1991
Director(s) Kovalyov Igor
Radayev Maksim
Tumelya Mihail
Ushakov Svyatoslav
Studio(s) Pilot
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Comedy
NSFW / 18+
Sci-fi & space
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:08:53
Wordiness 1.44 profile Ru, En
283 visitors

Date: January 01 2005 05:00:01
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 56 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Pilot

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This film is part of the Lift series.


A compilation of four short cartoons, featuring comedy, sci-fi and strangeness.

When Aleksandr Tatarsky started Pilot, the first privately-owned Soviet animation studio, in 1988, he invited a lot of young animation makers. The 5-part "Lift" series ("Elevator" in US English) was set up to give them their first experiences as director of an animation.



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