Labyrinth 2 (Лабиринт 2, 1992) by Viktor Dovnar, Y. Suslova and Igor Volchek

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Labyrinth 2
Лабиринт 2
Labirint 2 (ru)
Лабиринт 2 (bg)
Labyrinth 2 (de)
Labürint 2 (et)

Year 1992
Director(s) Dovnar Viktor
Suslova Y.
Volchek Igor
Studio(s) Belarusfilm
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Comedy
Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:09:47
Wordiness 2.88 profile Ru, En
372 visitors

Date: April 17 2022 09:46:35
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 77 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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Three shorts - "Branch" (Suslova), "Mozart and..." (Volchek), "The Last Hunt" (Dovnar). The final one is longer, and references the East Slavic folk tale about Koshei the Deathless.

More specifically, about Koschei's death which is "hidden in a needle that is hidden inside an egg, the egg is in a duck, etc.".

The first video above has higher resolution than the second.



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