Sheydulla the Lazy Bum (Шейдулла-лентяй, 2004) by Sergey Gordeyev and Rim Sharafutdinov

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EditID username editTime Details Comments
2818 Admin 2021-11-11 22:05:13
Subtitle (id:134) (en)+  sub descriptionSubtitle (id:135) (es)+  sub descriptionSubtitle (id:136) (ru)+  sub description+ Subtitle (id:890) (en)↺ Video link↺  Default subtitle+ 1  Subtitle+ 1 Other English name− 1 Animation technique+ 1 Genre↺ Description
854 Admin 2021-02-26 19:01:34
− 1 Video link
551 Admin 2021-01-29 17:10:36
− 1 Video link
406 Admin 2021-01-22 10:36:04
Subtitle (id:134) (en)+ 1  creatorSubtitle (id:135) (es)+ 1  creator↺ Video link+   Default subtitle− 1  Subtitle+ 2  Subtitles↺ Video link+   Default subtitle− 1  Subtitle+ 2  Subtitles↺ Video link+   Default subtitle− 1  Subtitle+ 2  Subtitles
403 Eus347 2021-01-22 10:31:20
+ Subtitle (id:134) (en)+ Subtitle (id:135) (es)+ Subtitle (id:136) (ru)+ 3 Video links+ Default English Name+ 1 Other English name+ 1 Original language name+ 1 Transliteration+ 1 Other language name+ 2 Directors+ 1 Studio+ Year created+ Film length+ ID+ 2 Animation techniques+ 1 Genre+ 1 Language+ Description+ Favourite