Films from the 2000s
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Results per page: Total results: films needing English subtitles (182 out of 184 do not).
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Results per page: Total results: films needing English subtitles (182 out of 184 do not).
Salvation Cantata
Кантата «Спасение»
Kantata Spaseniye
2008 – 00:13:50 – Russian – VGIK – Litvinova Mariya
Musical/Opera – digital 2D, mixed
0 ws
Andrey Semyonov's cantata Salvation for 4 voices & orchestra based on a poem by Daniil Harms. Hard-subbed in English. -
2009 – 00:04:41 – Russian – VGIK – Korzanova Natalya
Misc. – digital 2D
0 ws
Walking through a hostile adult world, a boy discovers an entryway to an entirely different one.
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