Films from the 2000s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 188 in database (2 films still need English subtitles).
I Am Armenian Too
Ես էլ եմ հայ
Yes el yem Hay
2000 – 00:12:00 – Armenian – Z.Studio – Saakyants Robert
Comedy, Musical/Opera, Politics, Surrealism/dream-logic, War & battles – drawn (cel)
9.45 ws – Subtitles: English (good⭳ – by Niffiwan, parizani), Russian (unknown⭳ – by Niffiwan, parizani₂)
A regular Armenian gets on a train that represents his country's journey into independence. It starts well, but things start going more and more wrong...2024-04-172024-04-16 -
The Tiny Fish ❤
2007 – 00:09:29 – (wordless) – Ani – Ryabov Sergey
Misc. – cutout
0 ws
The small child's world is wonderful and extremely complex. A seemingly unimportant event can lead to tragic disaster in child's life. On the other hand, the kindness of a baby's soul is capable of working miracles, even animating a tiny fish...2023-03-18 -
The Rain Horse ❤
2008 – 00:15:57 – (wordless) – A-Film – Geller Dmitriy
Serious, Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D
0 ws
An animated film-parable about an old horse whose life is coming to its finale. But before his death, fate gives him one last fantastic vision - of a world filled with endless life and love.2023-04-14