175 Years of Russian Railways (РЖД – 175 лет железным дорогам России, 2012) by Aleksandr Petrov

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175 Years of Russian Railways
РЖД – 175 лет железным дорогам России
RZHD - 175 let zheleznym dorogam Rossii (ru)
РДЖ – 175 години на железните пътища в Русия (bg)

Year 2012
Director(s) Petrov Aleksandr
Studio(s) DAGO
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Domestic life
Animation Type(s)  Paint
Length 00:01:00
115 visitors

(No subtitles available)

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A commercial commemorating the 175th anniversary of Russian railways.

The first video above is the Russian version, and the second is the English one. At the end of the Russian version, there is a voice that says "Russian Railways: from the past into the future."



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