Portrait (Портрет, 1965) by Roman Kachanov

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(click the "Compare" button to compare selected revisions)
EditID username editTime Details Comments
5391 Admin 2022-11-22 08:24:20
+ Subtitle (id:1858) (et)↺ Video link+ 1  Subtitle+ 1 Other language name↺ Description
3596 Admin 2022-03-09 20:31:30
Subtitle (id:1039) (en)↺  contents↺  upload notes+ Subtitle (id:1255) (ru)↺ Video link+ 1  Subtitle
3092 Admin 2021-12-23 04:53:01
Subtitle (id:1039) (en)↺  contents↺  quality rating (ok)↺  upload notes+ 1  creatorSubtitle (id:1040) (es)+  upload notes
improved english subs
3091 Admin 2021-12-23 04:50:35
Subtitle (id:1039) (en)↺  contentsSubtitle (id:1040) (es)↺  contents
slightly improved timings
3090 Admin 2021-12-23 04:49:06
+ Subtitle (id:1039) (en)+ Subtitle (id:1040) (es)+ 1 Video link+ Default English Name+ 1 Original language name+ 1 Transliteration+ 1 Other language name+ 1 Director+ 1 Studio+ Year created+ Film length+ Animator.ru ID+ 1 Animation technique+ 2 Genres+ 1 Language+ Description+ Favourite