Робот Бибо
Robot Bibo (ru)
Робот на име Бибо (bg)
Der Roboter Bibo (de)
Robot Bibo (et)
400 visitors
Робот Бибо
Robot Bibo (ru)
Робот на име Бибо (bg)
Der Roboter Bibo (de)
Robot Bibo (et)
Year | 2012 |
Director(s) | Chistiakov Anton Dmitriev Mikhail |
Studio(s) | (no studio) |
Language(s) | (wordless) English |
Genre(s) | Sci-fi & space |
Animation Type(s) | Digital 3D |
Length | 00:07:24 |
(No subtitles available)
A robot keeps going about his daily routines after humanity is wiped out.
He recreates an imaginary world where he lives every day, like he did during the best time of his life.
Mostly wordless except for some incidental text and background dialogue. What words there are are in English, probably because this was aimed at the international festival circuit, as at least one of the directors lives in Hong Kong.
Some sources give a date of 2013 or 2015.
2013 - Los Angeles Movie Awards - Award of Excellence, Best Animated Visuals, Best Sound Design,
2013 - California International Shorts Festival, Hollywood - Best Animated Short
2013 - Golden Egg Film Festival, New York - Best Animated Short
2013 - Short Sharp Film Festival, Coffs Harbour - "Sharpie" Best Animation
2013 - ITSA Film Festival, Sonora - Best Animation
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