The Return of the Prodigal Parrot 3 (Возвращение блудного попугая 3, 1988) by Valentin Karavayev

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EditID username editTime Details Comments
6240 Admin 2023-02-10 20:56:47
+ Subtitle (id:1977) (et)↺ Video link+ 1  Subtitle+ 1 Other language name
3648 Cynir 2022-03-22 15:50:40
+ Subtitle (id:1280) (vi)↺ Video link+ 1  Subtitle+ 1 Other language name
3631 Admin 2022-03-19 22:45:27
↺ Video link↺  Default subtitle↺   Offset↺  Subtitle↺   Offset
3628 Admin 2022-03-19 22:14:36
Subtitle (id:1267) (en)↺  contents↺  quality rating (good)↺  upload notes+ 1  creatorSubtitle (id:1268) (ru)↺  contents↺  upload notes+ 1  creator
improving translation
3627 Admin 2022-03-19 22:11:36
+ Subtitle (id:1267) (en)+ Subtitle (id:1268) (ru)+ 1 Video link+ Default English Name+ 1 Original language name+ 1 Transliteration+ 1 Director+ 1 Studio+ Year created+ Film length+ ID+ 1 Animation technique+ 2 Genres+ 1 Language+ Description+ Favourite