Welcome to Animatsiya!

The purpose of this website is to make the full, rich tapestry of Russian and Soviet animation accessible to people all around the world.

To this end, this site hosts a collection of animated films spanning over a century, and allows them to be watched online paired with good-quality subtitles in different languages. The videos come mostly from the studios and film archives, which in recent years have begun to upload their back-catalogues online, or the directors themselves. This is a great way to learn the Russian language and culture (as well as the other cultures and languages of the region).

Alternately, you can also find animation without any words, as well as relevant documentaries and news reports. You can also browse by genre, director, studio, animation technique, and more.

First time visiting? Watch something from the "favourites" (award-winning, popular, or critically-acclaimed films).

If you register as a user, you will be able to add your own comments to film pages, send private messages to other users, save films to your Likes and Bookmarks lists, propose edits to the site (subject to approval by the site administrator), and keep track of every film you have visited. You can also become a translator yourself.

This site has been online since January 2021, and is being frequently updated. If you find any problems or have a question, please make an account and send a message to the administrator.

To mobile users: While this site will work on mobile phones (better so in landscape mode), it has not yet been optimized for smaller screens, and there may be some bugs.

Total unique visits to film pages since opening: 703000

Total unique visitors: 91345 (7.7 film page visits per visitor)