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Subtitles for The Liu Brothers (1953)

June 23 2022 22:06:17
Created by Eus, Niffiwan
Bratya ⭳
Quality: good

Subs made by Eus in 2012 after an earlier Esperanto translation, significantly edited and corrected by Niffiwan in 2022.

They are timed to the 25fps video that is 27:17 long. They CANNOT be used for the 2001 "restoration" of the film, which includes A. Ponyavin's name in the credits as the "sound director of the new version" at 0:53. Although the soundtrack of the restoration has been widely criticized (it replaced the orchestra with synthesized sounds), there are also versions out there that combine the 2001 restoration of the video with the original 1953 soundtrack - e.g. a 24fps version of the film that is 28:31 long. The subtitles can be made in-sync for the first 10 minutes of that version by setting "multiplier" to "25/24" and "offset" to "11.5", but after that the restored version is missing a few seconds (at 9:58, right after the scene with the tree-felling), so the subtitles will be out of sync.

Video preview(s):
Multiplier is 1.
Offset is 0.

The text content of the file is: