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Subtitles for Yulia's Birthday (1994)

November 04 2022 06:54:02
Created by Niffiwan
Den narozhdennya ⭳
Quality: good

Translated from the Russian "ruszakadrom" track from the 244mb 25fps RuTracker file with the 4 different soundtracks (because it seemed to translate very closely from the original, as opposed to the other Russian track), then re-timed to the 24fps Ukrainian-language video uploaded to the Ukranimafilm Youtube channel, and checked to make sure there were no differences (there was only one small one).

In the 2nd half of the film, the timings had to be offset more than expected, so this version is unlikely to fit the Russian dub well if converted back to 25fps.

Video preview(s):
Multiplier is 1.
Offset is 0.

The text content of the file is: