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Subtitles for The Adventures of Captain Wrongel (1) (1976)

November 14 2023 02:17:25
Created by Niffiwan, Жукороп
Priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya (1) ⭳
Quality: ok

Originally translated by Жукороп for Youtube in Nov 2021, then edited a bit and uploaded to in early 2022. Revised by Niffiwan in Nov 2023. The translation corrected to be closer to the original, and the songs changed to be the same number of syllables as in Russian where possible. The name of the ship presented some difficulty, as "победа" (victory) changes into "беда" (disaster). Originally "courage/rage", it was changed to "success/loss" as something a little closer while still kind of looking like the first word, but perhaps this wasn't the best solution. The saying "Как вы яхту назовёте - так она и поплывёт" popularized by a song in this episode, has been rendered as "As you name the boat, so shall it float" (which seems to be the most widespread English translation), even though he actually sings "yacht". Also, the translation of some nautical terms may be incorrect.

Video preview(s):
Multiplier is 1.
Offset is -5.6.

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