One of the Many (Одна из многих, 1927) by Nikolay Hodatayev

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One of the Many
Одна из многих
Odna iz mnogikh (ru)
Jedna z mnoha (cs)

Year 1927
Director(s) Hodatayev Nikolay
Studio(s) Mezhrabpom-Rus
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:15:20
Wordiness 1.53 profile Ru, En
426 visitors

Odna iz
Date: April 20 2017 14:47:15
Language: Czech
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 77 characters long (view)
Creator(s): wero1000

Odna iz
Date: April 17 2015 19:34:55
Language: English
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 57 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus

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The film derides enthusiasm for American cinema stars.

The role of the impressionable girl was played by Kudryavtseva Antonina Vasilyeva (1902—1955).

The Western popular music used in the soundtrack is:
Life Begins At Oxford Circus - Jack Hylton and His Orchestra
Ich Bin Der Hans Im Glueck - Barnabas Von Geczy Mit Orchester
Sie Will Nicht Blumen Und Nicht Schokolade - Benny De Weille
La Cucaracha - Harry Roy
Bubbling over with Love - Джаз-оркестр
Bitte, Bitte, Bitte - Barnabas
Schabernack - Will Glahe Und Sein Musette-Orchester
Diga Diga Doo - Duke Ellington



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