Films from the 2010s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 162 in database (8 films still need English subtitles).
About a Mother ❤
Про маму
Pro mamu
2015 – 00:07:20 – (wordless) – SHAR School-Studio – Velikovskaya Dina
Folklore & myth (non-Rus./USSR), Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D
0 ws
A touching story about a mother who has already given to her children so much, that it seems that she just cannot possibly have anything left for herself. Yet life suddenly offers her new opportunities...2023-02-01 -
Before Love ❤
До любви
Do lyubvi
2015 – 00:19:15 – (wordless) – TaBBaK – Kovalyov Igor
Domestic life, NSFW / 18+, Romance, Serious, Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D, digital 3D, drawn (cel)
0 ws
Two men want to conquer one woman, but selfishness and misunderstanding lead the entire "triangle" only to the opposite result.2024-07-07 -
2015 – 00:07:47 – (wordless) – Soyuzmultfilm – Minchenok Polina
Comedy – digital 2D
0 ws
The mere sight of a huge and toothy gray wolf brings fear to the entire village. But one little girl was not scared and made friends with him.2021-03-24 -
Among the Black Waves ❤
Среди чёрных волн
Sredi chyornykh voln
2016 – 00:11:10 – (wordless) – Ural-Cinema – Budanova Anna
Folklore & myth (Rus./USSR minorities), NSFW / 18+, Romance, Serious – digital 2D, paint
0 ws
An ancient northern legend tells that the souls of drowned people turn into sea animals. A hunter steals the skin of a seal girl, and she cannot turn back into an animal. She becomes his wife, but more and more often looks at the sea with longing.2021-09-20