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SHAR School-Studio

Школа-студия ШАР profile: Ru, En

Founded by directors Yuriy Norshteyn, Eduard Nazarov, Andrey Hrzhanovskiy and Fyodor Hitruk in April 1993. Of the original founders, only Hrzhanovskiy has remained (and kept directing films). As of the end of 2023, its director is Nikolay Makovskiy and its artistic council consists of Andrey Hrzhanovskiy, Aleksey Dyomin, Ivan Maximov, Yekaterina Sokolova, Svetlana Filippova and Leonid Shmelkov.

SHAR existed "under the wing" of the School of Advanced Studies for Screenwriters and Directors (Высшие курсы сценаристов и режиссёров) until 2001. It was located in the same buildings, and the teachers and program was also similar. Initially, the main difference between the two was that the former accepted only applicants who already had a higher education degree, and only accepted them for two years, while SHAR had no such restrictions. SHAR did not have any animation equipment of its own, and rented them from Soyuzmultfilm and Animafilm (both based in Moscow). Films were also made in coproduction with other studios in other cities. Gradually, the educational programs diverged; also, the School of Advanced Studies began to require payment from all students, while SHAR continued to accept those who couldn't pay by instead having them work part-time in production on a new long-running almanac project of theirs, "The Magical Lantern" (Волшебный фонарь).

The first director of the school-studio was Aleksandr Gerasimov, who was invited by Hrzhanovksiy. Later, in 1995-1996, Gerasimov together with Vyacheslav Mayasov founded the studios Master-Film and then Gubernia, which some students/directors from SHAR moved to after graduation. Since the government would only fund a limited number of films from a single studio in a given year, it was advantageous to create more studios with distinct legal addresses, even if the people in charge were the same.

From 2001–2004, SHAR was located on the site of VGIK, then moved to the Gorky Film Studio, and then to the building of the Moscow Children's Fund on Leningradsky Prospekt, where it worked for about 4 years. From 2012-2014 it was stationed at Soyuzmultfilm, then at the property of Artplay, then, as a creative laboratory, on the site of the Moscow International University, also on Leningradsky Prospekt. In 2016, SHAR became licensed to train animators and relocated to Ulitsa Pravdy (Moscow).

Sources: this article (2023) and pp.106-122 of Larisa Malyukova's book "Сверхкино" ("Sverkhkino") (2013)


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