The Red Gate of Rashomon (Красные ворота Расёмон, 2002) by Aleksandr Tatarskiy and Valentin Telegin

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The Red Gate of Rashomon
Красные ворота Расёмон
Krasnyye vorota Rasyomon (ru)
Rasjomoni punased väravad (et)

Year 2002
Director(s) Tatarskiy Aleksandr
Telegin Valentin
Studio(s) Classica Film Studio
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (not cel)
Length 00:11:00
Wordiness 9.85 profile Ru, En
391 visitors

Krasnyye vorota
Date: September 23 2022 06:07:45
Language: English
Quality: good
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Creator(s): ?, Niffiwan

Krasnyye vorota
Date: September 11 2019 01:52:44
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Pastella

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In an alternative future where Japan won the Second World War while allied with Russia, a speed-skating match is held between Russia's and Japan's champions.

The film intentionally plays with the concepts of dualism and absurdity, and is thematically related to Japanese director Akira Kurosawa's 1950 film Rashomon. A decent Russian-language analysis of it can be read here. A few words about the film have also been written in the book "Animation: A World History: Volume III" (p.196).



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