Fantadrome. The Contest (Fantadroms. Sacensības, 1993) by Dzintars Krumins

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Fantadrome. The Contest
Fantadroms. Sacensības
Fantadroms. Sacensibas (lv)
Фантадрум: Конкурсът (bg)
Phantasiehafen. Der Wettstreit (de)
Fantadroom. Võistlus (et)
Фантадром. Состязание (гонки) (ru)

Year 1993
Director(s) Krumins Dzintars
Studio(s) Dauka
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Sci-fi & space
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:07:02
Wordiness 0.86
262 visitors

Date: November 10 2022 23:46:42
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 52 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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This film is part of the Fantadrome series.


The fantastic adventures of the robot Indrikis XIII and his friends in the XXI century. #7. Indrikis's two love interests, the alien cat Receklīte and the Mouse, have a unicycle race.



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