Weightless Life. 1. Dialogue with Disney (Невесомая жизнь. 1. Диалог с Диснеем, 2006) by Lyubov Hobotova

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Weightless Life. 1. Dialogue with Disney
Невесомая жизнь. 1. Диалог с Диснеем
Nevesomaya zhizn. 1. Dialog s Disneyem (ru)

Year 2006
Director(s) Hobotova Lyubov
Studio(s) Studio CBC
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Documentary
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Digital 2D
Digital 3D
Drawn (cel)
Length 00:26:14
Wordiness 20.29
505 visitors

Nevesomaya zhizn. 1. Dialog s Disneyem.2006.en.1..1313303721.srt
Date: August 14 2011 06:35:21
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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I remember finding this online before with subtitles for the whole thing. If there's an English translation for the other parts, I'd be happy to do some syncing! Unfortunately I don't know Russian, so I can't help translate, but I would really love to be able to watch the rest of this documentary again.

Replies: >>2


Are you sure? I was the one who did the subtitles for this one, originally in 2007. I think I started on the second one, but never did finish it, and I never saw any of the others subtitled online.

You don't remember where it may have been, so you?

Replies: >>3


I think I might have confused this with a different documentary. I distinctly remember a bit where Yuri Norstein is talking about how Roman Kachanov complicates the emotions in every scene. Any idea what that might be from? I've been looking for it forever..

Replies: >>4


It wasn't "Magia Russica", was it?


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