Subtitles for Prophets and Lessons (1967)
April 13 2023 06:27:02
Created by Eus, FBJ, Niffiwan₂
Proroki i ⭳
Quality: good
Subtitled by Eus on Youtube in 2023, subsequently edited by Niffiwan to add in the song lyrics (from the earlier DVD subtitles) and a few other changes.
These subtitles are for the 9:42 HD scan - unfortunately, there are some very short sections cut out throughout this version, and the last line is butchered beyond recognition (it should be "Народ - истории творец! Любых врагов страны советов, и их гадалок, ждёт..." but instead one hears "...стории творец ... любых врагов стр... ждёт..."), so the timings will need to be edited for any other version of the film.
Video preview(s): Multiplier is 1.
Offset is 0.
The text content of the file is: