A Nautical True Story (ზღვაოსნური, 1974) by Gavriil Lavrelashvili

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A Nautical True Story
Морская быль
Zghvaosnuri (ka)
Morskaya byl (ru)

Year 1974
Director(s) Lavrelashvili Gavriil
Studio(s) Georgia Film
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:08:19
Wordiness 1.88
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
296 visitors

Morskaya byl.1974..1.24fps.1717049346.srt
Date: May 30 2024 06:09:06
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Niffiwan

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Sailors on a deserted island await rescue. Unfortunately, one of them has a tendency to accidentally sink any rescue ship that comes close.

Wordless except for a written note midway through.

Scanned from 35mm film by the RuTracker animation scanning project in May 2024 (but unfortunately, the video above is low-resolution).




I think this one was made in a rather lazy and uninspired way, unfortunately - like at least half of Georgia Film's cartoons that I've seen from this period (with the films of Iosif Samsonadze being a notable exception).


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