The Beautiful Leukanida (Куртизанка на троне, 1912) by Ladislas Starevich

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The Beautiful Leukanida
The Beautiful Leukanida or The Battle of the Horned and the Whiskered
Куртизанка на троне
Прекрасная Люканида или Борьба рогачей съ усачами
Kurtizanka na tronye (ru)
Prekrasnaya Lyukanida ili Borba rogachey s usachami (ru)
Красивата Левканида (bg)
Imeilus Ljukanida (et)
Piękna Lukanida (pl)

Year 1912
Director(s) Starevich Ladislas
Studio(s) (no studio)
Language(s) (wordless)
Genre(s) Comedy
War & battles
Animation Type(s)  Puppet
Length 00:09:15 profile Ru, En
616 visitors

(No subtitles available)

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Two bugs fight over a beautiful female bug.

The second video above is a restoration by Russia's Gosfilmofond that premiered in 2012. It has a narrator speaking the contemporary program notes describing the film's plot (there are no subtitles for this version, yet). The reason the narration was added is that the plot summary for the film in the program was much longer than usual, which led the restorers to think that there might have been someone narrating the program notes while the film was playing at the time.




Ne понятно,почему три копии. Последняя, конечно в приличном качестве. Интересно,что немая копия сохранилась и ее интересно смотреть. Спасибо всем, имеющим отношение к этому сайту.ее.


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