Two Tales (Две сказки, 1962) by Leonid Amalrik

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Two Tales
Две сказки
Dvye skazki (ru)
Twee verhalen (nl)

Year 1962
Director(s) Amalrik Leonid
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:16:00
Wordiness 8.92 profile Ru, En
171 visitors

Date: September 09 2023 06:39:14
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 105 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan, Zhurka75

Date: December 17 2023 18:12:51
Language: Dutch
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 276 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Niffiwan

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An adaptation of two children's stories starring a bunny and a hedgehog by Vladimir Suteyev. "The Apple" is about how a bear helps the animals fairly divide an apple. "The Magic Wand" is about a smart hedgehog who helps his friend, the bunny, get home.

Note, the title of the second one in Russian really means something closer to "The Get-out-of-trouble Stick".



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