The Pot of Gold (Ոսկու կարասը, 1986) by Elvira Avakyan

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The Pot of Gold
Ոսկու կարասը
Vosku karase (hy)

Year 1986
Director(s) Avakyan Elvira
Studio(s) Armenfilm
Language(s) Armenian
Genre(s) Literature (Rus./USSR minorities)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:08:15
Wordiness 14.92
281 visitors

Date: April 03 2024 06:06:19
Language: English
Quality: good
Upload notes: 78 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Niffiwan, parizani

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A king's storyteller tells a tale about two men who find a jug of gold but can't divide it. They come to the king for a fair decision. Based on the Armenian tale by Hovhannes Tumanyan.

An English translation of the original story can be read here.

The intertitles in the above video are Russian, but the dialogue is Armenian. This likely means that there was also a Russian-dubbed version made.




I think the character design of the king here is fantastic.


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