Marusia Bohuslavka (Маруся Богуславка, 1966) by Nina Vasilenko

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Marusia Bohuslavka
Маруся Богуславка
Marusya Boguslavka (ru)
Marusya Bohuslavka (uk)

Year 1966
Director(s) Vasilenko Nina
Studio(s) Kievnauchfilm
Language(s) Ukrainian
Genre(s) History
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:10:11
Wordiness 4.41 profile Ru, En
756 visitors

Date: June 10 2016 21:46:30
Language: English
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Eus, Vitaliy

Date: June 10 2016 17:21:10
Language: Ukrainian
Quality: unknown
Upload notes:
Creator(s): Vitaliy, Eus

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About a Ukrainian girl made captive by Tatar invasions, a heroine sold to a Turkish harem, who freed 711 Cossack countrymen that were held captive for 30 years after a sea-raid gone wrong, but paid for it with her own death.

Many thanks to Vitaliy for the transcription & research!
The animation is based on "Дума про Марусю Богуславку": Duma (Ballad) about Maria Bohuslavka (Maria from Bohuslav).

The animation uses several works/songs:
1/ "Зажурилась Україна"
2/ A piece by Mykhailo Hrushevskiy, an important Ukrainian author
3/ the Maroussia Bohuslavka Operette in 4 parts, Kiev 1913
4/ the folk song "Плач невольника"
5/ the poem "Дума про Марусю Богуславку"

The first video above has by far the best image quality and is in the original 24fps theatrical frame rate. However, the sound seems a bit odd (it warbles) - perhaps it was slowed down from the 25fps soundtrack rather than recorded separately.



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