Why Is the Swallow's Tail Forked? (Қарлығаштың құйрығы неге айыр?, 1967) by Amen Haydarov

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Why Is the Swallow's Tail Forked?
Қарлығаштың құйрығы неге айыр?
Почему у ласточки хвост рожками?
Pochemu u lastochki hvost rozhkami? (ru)

Year 1967
Director(s) Haydarov Amen
Studio(s) Kazakhfilm
Language(s) Kazakh
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./USSR minorities)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:09:25
Wordiness 6.18
Animator.ru profile Ru, En
361 visitors

Pochemu u lastochki hvost rozhkami.1967.en.1.25fps.1381082614.srt
Date: October 06 2013 18:03:34
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 561 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Syilmaz

Pochemu u lastochki hvost rozhkami.1967.tr.1.25fps.1407829092.srt
Date: August 12 2014 07:38:12
Language: Turkish
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 379 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Syilmaz

Pochemu u lastochki hvost rozhkami.1967.uz.1.25fps.1407829092.srt
Date: August 12 2014 07:38:12
Language: Uzbek
Quality: unknown
Upload notes: 113 characters long (view)
Creator(s): ?, Syilmaz

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The first animated film made in Kazakhstan.

The directorial debut of Amen Haydarov, the script and the soundtrack were made concurrently in both Kazakh and in Russian. The first video above is Kazakh, the second is Russian. The subtitles were translated from the Kazakh language (via Uzbek and Turkish), while the Russian version is somewhat different (there is no translation of this version yet).

The film traveled to 48 countries around the world, and won the Bronze Praxinoscope at the 3rd New York Festival of Animated Films (1974 or 1975) in the Children's section.



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