Audacious Mountaineers (Отважные альпинисты, 1950) by Arkadiy Hintibidze and Vladimir Mudzhiri

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Audacious Mountaineers
Отважные альпинисты
Otvazhnyye alpinisty (ru)

Year 1950
Director(s) Hintibidze Arkadiy
Mudzhiri Vladimir
Studio(s) Tbilissi Film Studio
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:09:40
Wordiness 6.5 profile Ru, En
436 visitors

Date: September 10 2021 01:05:04
Language: English
Quality: ok
Upload notes: 117 characters long (view)
Creator(s): Eus, Chapaev, Niffiwan

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A bear, a deer and a rabbit go mountaineering.

While at the time it was taboo at Soyuzmultfilm in the early 50s, Tbilissi Film Studio still made animations that showed typical Disney influences. The message of sportsmanship and bravery as an ideal that beats evil influences nevertheless is typical Stalinist optimism. Healthy body, Healthy mind.
Animals wearing clothes were rapidly over at Tbilissi Film Studio after 1950. This was the last one of its kind, although the Tbilissi style, although adapting to Socialist Realism doctrines, that wanted animals showed more in their natural habitat and acting naturally, still was kept intact.



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