The Legend of Parvana Lake (Փարվանա, 1970) by Valentin Podpomogov

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The Legend of Parvana Lake
Parvana (hy)
Легенда об озере Парвана (ru)
Huyền thoại hồ Paravnis (vi)

Year 1970
Director(s) Podpomogov Valentin
Studio(s) Armenfilm
Language(s) Armenian
Genre(s) Folklore & myth (Rus./USSR minorities)
Literature (Rus./USSR minorities)
Animation Type(s)  Drawn (cel)
Length 00:13:06
Wordiness 3.32 profile Ru, En
752 visitors

Date: April 04 2024 20:46:10
Language: English
Quality: good
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Creator(s): Niffiwan, parizani
Date: April 11 2024 08:44:04
Language: Vietnamese
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Cynir

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Paravani Lake (ფარავნის ტბა, Pʰaˈravnis Tʰba) is an ancient volcanic crater between Georgia and Armenia. Its hydrology is maintained by the river of the same name. Hence the story of Hovhannes Tumanyan. Through it, folk wisdom wants to explain what is truly the most precious thing in the world.

The daughter of the sovereign of Paravani kingdom has reached marriageable age. She desires an inextinguishable flame of love to win her heart. Brave suitors fly to the four corners of the world to look for it, but in the end, no one understood the meaning of her words. The princess was so sad that she turned to stone and her tears turned the whole country into a lake.

A Russian voice-over dubbed version also exists, and can be watched here (very low-quality video source). The Russian words are somewhat different.



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