The Little Sparrow (Воробьишко, 1984) by Aleksey Karayev

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The Little Sparrow
Vorobyishko (ru)
El pequeño gorrion (es)

Year 1984
Director(s) Karayev Aleksey
Studio(s) Sverdlovsk Film Studio
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Literature (Rus./East Slavic)
Animation Type(s)  Cutout
Length 00:08:45
Wordiness 10.62 profile Ru, En
460 visitors

Date: June 02 2010 18:11:08
Language: English
Quality: ok
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Creator(s): Allie, Dennis Keen, Niffiwan
Date: February 07 2015 10:59:46
Language: Spanish
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Yefren

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A little sparrow learns about life. Based on the story by Gorkiy.

In the original ending, there is no explicitly stated moral as in the film, instead the child reading the story is expected to come to his own conclusions.

In Russian, the birds speak largely with "chee" sounds, which was only partially possible to reproduce in the subtitles.



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