Sky-Blue Puppy (Голубой щенок, 1976) by Yefim Gamburg

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Sky-Blue Puppy
Light Blue Puppy
Голубой щенок
Goluboy shchenok (ru)
Helesinine kutsikas (et)

Year 1976
Director(s) Gamburg Yefim
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Musical/Opera
Animation Type(s)  Paint
Length 00:19:09
Wordiness 9.84 profile Ru, En
392 visitors

Date: December 10 2019 13:16:21
Language: English
Quality: good
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Creator(s): Brigit McCone, Niffiwan

Date: October 05 2021 16:55:48
Language: Estonian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): Pastella

Date: May 27 2014 02:02:40
Language: Russian
Quality: unknown
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Creator(s): ?

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A puppy whose coat is sky-blue gets kidnapped by an evil pirate.

A puppy, who is strangely born with a coat that is a shade of light blue, is rejected by all. Nobody wants to play with him or to be his friend. Even the Grey Dogs avoid him. The Black Cat, a dodger and a faker, is the only one that feigns interest. Unexpectedly, the Evil Pirate attacks the island and , encouraged by the Black Cat, kidnaps the Blue Puppy.

Along comes the Good Sailor, who always helps ones in trouble and does good things. While the Sailor is visiting the island, the Black Cat tells him about the abduction of the Puppy. The Sailor decides to rescue the puppy and begins chasing the Pirate; the Pirate eventually attacks the Seaman with a Sawfish which sinks the Sailor's ship. The Pirate ties the Sailor and the Puppy together with shackles.

The Pirate and the Black Cat are celebrating their victory and sing a song about their spurious friendship. The Pirate, however, encouraged by the Black Cat, gets drunk to the point of unconsciousness, allowing the Puppy to free both himself and the Sailor. After that, the Sailor confronts and defeats the Pirate. He and the Puppy return to the island as heroes. Now, nobody tries to avoid the Puppy. More importantly, however, the Puppy now has a real friend. The moral of the story is that it is not so awful to be different from others, as long as one has friends, and the respect of one's peers.



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