Films from the 2010s
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Results per page: Total results: listed out of 162 in database (8 films still need English subtitles).
Before Love ❤
До любви
Do lyubvi
2015 – 00:19:15 – (wordless) – TaBBaK – Kovalyov Igor
Domestic life, NSFW / 18+, Romance, Serious, Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D, digital 3D, drawn (cel)
0 ws
Two men want to conquer one woman, but selfishness and misunderstanding lead the entire "triangle" only to the opposite result.2024-07-07 -
Among the Black Waves ❤
Среди чёрных волн
Sredi chyornykh voln
2016 – 00:11:10 – (wordless) – Ural-Cinema – Budanova Anna
Folklore & myth (Rus./USSR minorities), NSFW / 18+, Romance, Serious – digital 2D, paint
0 ws
An ancient northern legend tells that the souls of drowned people turn into sea animals. A hunter steals the skin of a seal girl, and she cannot turn back into an animal. She becomes his wife, but more and more often looks at the sea with longing.2021-09-20 -
Bolero 2017
Болеро 2017
Bolero 2017
2017 – 00:14:12 – (wordless) – Stayer – Bardin Garri
Misc., Politics, Romance – puppet, stop motion (3D)
0 ws
A story about servitude and freedom featuring clay people, set to the music of Ravel's Bolero.2021-04-14 -
Brooklyn Breeze
Бруклинский бриз
Bruklinskiy briz
2017 – 00:04:02 – (wordless) – Figli - Migli Productions – Budovsky Alex
Comedy – digital 2D
0 ws
A visual journey through different parts of Brooklyn, some of the iconic spots and others not often seen by the visitors, based on a tune recorded by New York-based Michael Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra.2021-03-23 -
Enchanted Princess
2017 – 01:14:46 – Russian – Cinema Foundation of Russia, CTB Film Company, Kinofirma, Ori Animation – Lukichev Artyom
Comedy, Folklore & myth (Rus./East Slavic), Musical/Opera – digital 2D
16.88 ws – Subtitles: English (unknown⭳ – by ?), Russian (unknown⭳ – by ?)
A family comedy about a young prince who sets out on a mission to find a missing Princess from the neighboring kingdom. Along the way, he meets a dopey dragon who isn't quite who he says he is.2023-12-102024-07-02 -
The First Thunder ❤
Первый гром
Pervyy grom
2017 – 00:05:00 – (wordless) – Ural-Cinema – Melikhova Anastasia
Misc., Surrealism/dream-logic – digital 2D, paint
0 ws
A musical fantasy about waking up from hibernation, leaving your "little world" into a world full of beauty and adventure.2021-09-20