How To Grow Up (Как стать большим, 1967) by Vladimir Degtyaryov

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How To Grow Up
Как стать большим
Kak stat bolshim (ru)
Kuidas saada suureks (et)

Year 1967
Director(s) Degtyaryov Vladimir
Studio(s) Soyuzmultfilm
Language(s) Russian
Genre(s) Comedy
Animation Type(s)  Puppet
Length 00:09:41
Wordiness 7.13 profile Ru, En
473 visitors

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Date: March 28 2024 20:14:13
Language: English
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Creator(s): Niffiwan, Zhurka75, Eus

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Date: September 16 2020 00:43:30
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Date: March 28 2024 04:50:50
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A little kitten really wants to grow up and asks the denizens of the forest how to accomplish this.




Most puppet films often lack aesthetic appeal, so they cannot attract young audiences. However, this film actually comes close to the success of hand-drawn films. This film usually reminds me of a film that is also very famous in Vietnam : How to smell like flowers (Làm thế nào để thơm như hoa).

There was lived a kitten who wants to be as fragrant as roses. So she poured a whole bottle of her mother's perfume on herself. But when she ran into the street, everyone covered their noses and shunned her. In the end, everyone taught her that : If you have musk, you'll naturally smell good (Hữu xạ tự nhiên hương). It means that someone's inner qualities are still more important than their external splendor.


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